ART 308 at Saint Mary's College of Maryland with instructor Fereshteh Toosi

Thursday, March 22, 2007

projected schedule for the rest of the semester

W 28 March: Site-specific art, Nick Hayes. photocopy distributed in class on M 26 March. Look up some of the artists and writers mentioned to get a better understanding about the references. Post to blog and make a list of at least 3 questions to lead discussion... I will choose someone at random, so everyone must be prepared.
M 2 April: final project proposal due with sketches, posted to blog
W 4 April: proposal questions completed and sent to Chip Jackson. Please COPY me on the this email.
M 9 April: 1st in-progress crit
W 11 April: studio work day
M 16 April: 2nd in-progress crit
W 18 April: work day for installation
M 23 April: work day for installation
W 25 April: work day for installation
M 30 April: final critiques for installation... extra long class session?
M 7 May: documentation due to FT's box by 5 pm

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