ART 308 at Saint Mary's College of Maryland with instructor Fereshteh Toosi

Thursday, February 8, 2007

another cultural event eligible for your required blogs

PS also check out this censorship related to the play.

The Vagina Monologues 2007
Class member Megan Rippey is part of the cast!

Friday, February 9th @ 3:30 pm & 7:00 pm
Saturday, February 10th @ 7 pm

Where: Monty 25
Price: $ 4.00 per ticket

All proceeds go towards the fight to end violence against women.
To reserve tickets please e-mail
with your name, #of tickets and day you would like to attend.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

reading for WED 14 FEB

Jasper Johns & Robert Rauschenberg - Jonathan Katz
Queers & Marriage - British Broadcasting Corporation
If you look in the upper right corner, you will see that there is a link to 2 pages:
1. Queers and marriage
2. Arguments against marriage

You don't have to write a traditional response in your blog for these readings. Instead, you will develop a concept and some initial sketches. Check the handout for details and questions to consider as you read.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Christy Georg

Christy Georg makes body extensions, instruments, and sculpture incorporating audio, but she does not always use them in the presence of other people. One example is this piece called "Monitoring the Dunes" at White Sands National Park in 2005.

The “monitor” and her instrument caseare in white, blending in to the environs. The instrument is unpacked and assembled on site in the dunes. It consists of two large stethoscopes, which press against the sand and connect to the monitor’s earphones via tubing. This device is housed in tall forearm crutches, so that when in use, the monitor pulls her body off the earth, and only her ears (via their extensions) are connected to the earth. The monitor’s endurance determines her ability to sonically monitor the dunes.

Monday, February 5, 2007

I always had this idea that doing art was just a masturbatory activity, and didn't really help anybody.

Interviewer: What led you to become an artist?
JB: I always had this idea that doing art was just a masturbatory activity, and didn't really help anybody. I was teaching kids in the California Youth Authority, an honor camp where they send kids instead of sending them to prison. One kid came to me one day and asked if I would open up the arts and crafts building at night so they could work. I said, "If all of you guys will cool it in the classes, then I'll baby-sit you." Worked like a charm. Here were these kids that had no values I could embrace, that cared about art more than I. So, I said, "Well, I guess art has some function in society," and I haven't gotten beyond that yet, but it was enough to convince me that art did some good somehow. I just needed a reason that wasn't all about myself.


Art & Art History department lecture: Heather McGuire on John Baldessari

Wednesday, Feb 7th, Library 321, 4:30
Heather McGuire was graduated from the University of Virginia (B.A. English) and VCU (B.F.A. Crafts). She worked as a curatorial assistant on the Hirshhorn's Visual Music exhibition and curated several gallery shows in Richmond, VA. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in Art History at VCU and beginning her dissertation on John Baldessari's Blasted Allegories. Visit and click on Exhibitions: Current for a show of contemporary artists that Heather curated.

TEATRO LUNA + workshop

Attendance at the workshop or the performance is eligible for one of the cultural events for your blog response. Make your reservations early.

TEATRO LUNA, Chicago’s first all-Latina performing ensemble, presents S-E-X-Oh!
What do sex, video games, and Trader Joe’s have in common? Find out in Teatro Luna’s irreverent new show, a “hilarious look at the very thing our abuelas [grandmothers] made us promise we’d never do.”

Friday and Saturday, February 16-17, 8:00 p.m.

Bruce Davis Theater, MH

Ticket prices are $4 or $6. To make reservations, call the Theater Box Office at 24-895-4243 or e-mail

On Saturday, February 17, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in the Bruce Davis Theater, troupe members will conduct a workshop on “Performing in Community.” This workshop uses performance and writing exercises to generate an autobiographical ensemble performance. The workshop is free and open to the public. All participants are welcome. Email to reserve your spot.